Plans & Pricing

A Plan for Every Need

We are building a range of plans so you can find one that works for you.

Free Teir


Take Aperio's Free Individual Assessments.



  • StoryFamily Report Learn how to share your story.
  • StoryProfile Report Unleash the power of your story.
  • MatchRole Report Learn about career fit.
  • ICQ Skills Report (alpha) Intercultural Inteligence Scores
  • Tone of Voice Report Coming soon in 2023
Try Now


Work better together.


  • All Individual Reports Access to all individual plan reports.
  • Peer Review Coming soon.
  • Team Dynamics Coming soon.
  • Team StoryProfile Learn to tell stories as a team. Coming soon.
Get in Touch


Access a dashboard of organizational storytelling tools.


  • All Teams Features Get everything for every team.
  • Organization StoryProfile Set your storytelling strategy on an organizational level. Coming soon.
  • StoryVarience Monitoring Make sure your story stays on track. Coming soon.
  • Story Prompts Get content creation ideas. Coming soon.
  • Writer Access Integration Hire copywriters with the touch of a button. Features coming soon.
  • Photo Selection Quickly select images that support your brand story. Coming soon.
  • AI Story Prompts Get ready to work with AI. All new features coming soon. AI tools not included.
Get in Touch

Starter Tier

The Starter tier provides more of what Aperio has to offer. You'll increase your access from four (4) to ten (10) assessments per month and begin uncovering your Story in more depth.

The Starter Tier adds access to your StoryProfile, and ICQ Skills reports, on top of our free Story Family report.

Bonus: Text Analysis tool if/when those features become available.

Subscribe to Starter

Premium Tier

The Premium tier provides more of what Aperio has to offer. You'll increase your access from four (4) to ten (10) assessments per month and uncover your Story in more depth.

The Premium Tier adds access to your StoryProfile, Match Roles, and ICQ Skills reports, on top of our free StoryFamily report.

Bonus: You'll get access to our Text Analysis tool at the Starter features level, in addition to your StoryProfile report in our Text Analysis tool if/when those features become available.

Bonus: You'll get access to our StoryPrompts tool if/when those features launch.

Subscribe to Premium

Business Tier

The Business tier provides Aperio access to your team. You'll have three (3) seats and increase your access from four (4) to ten (10) assessments per seat each month and uncover your Story in more depth.

The Business Tier adds access to your StoryProfile, Match Roles, and ICQ Skills reports, on top of our free StoryFamily report. You'll also get access to our team management and advanced business support if/when those features launch.

Bonus: You'll get access to our Text Analysis tool at the Starter features level, in addition to your StoryProfile report in our Text Analysis tool if/when those features become available.

Bonus: You'll get access to our StoryPrompts tool if/when those features launch.

Subscribe to Business